Monday, May 3, 2010

Blog ideas

I am looking for blog ideas. As a parent or a parent of a child with Autism or a parent of a gluten free child, or as a parent of a child with food allergies, I want to know what questions do you have for other parents? What other random thoughts pop in your head that you wish some one would give you insight to?
Honestly I love helping other people find solutions to their problems. Unfortunately everyone’s problems are not always apparent to me. So I am giving everyone on my blog, Facebook, & twitter page the opportunity to tell me what they need help with. I know I do not know it all, even though I do often act like a “know it all”, but I know I have friends who might be able to help you.

I am a problem solver, I like to find solutions to peoples problems and maybe I can do that for you. I will never claim to know the right answer for you, but I am willing to help you try to find some solutions for your issues, you just have to ask.

Questions, comments, and thoughts can be sent to

As always PITAup and change the world, because only you can change the world you live in!!!


  1. Some people believe that their kids autistic traits are caused by "gut" problems. How do you tell if your child has that problem and how does the gfcf diet help?

  2. Thanks so much for responding. I hope the blog helps answer some of your questions. Feel free to ask more about it.

    Also still open to any other requests!!
